Ignoring Coughs Leads to Pneumonia
27 Feb
Ignoring Coughs Leads to Pneumonia

Location: El Hajj Ali Restaurant- Tripoli- Dam & Farz

HerbMed is committed to advancing healthcare knowledge. On Tuesday, 27 February 2024, HerbMed organized an insightful lecture entitled “Ignoring Coughs Leads to Pneumonia” and presented by Dr. Hasan DHAYBI, MD, Pulmonologist. It was tailored exclusively for esteemed pediatrics from Tripoli. During this engaging event, HerbMed placed a significant emphasis on subjects directly aligned with the diverse domains of medical practice. The lecture aimed to enhance the professional expertise of attending doctors, providing them with valuable insights and the latest advancements in their respective fields. As a company dedicated to the continual growth and education of healthcare professionals, HerbMed takes pride in fostering a collaborative environment that contributes to the overall improvement of medical care. Tusserbe Junior, Propolaid, Tusserbe Sed and Tusserbe Fluid were presented during the lecture.

Ignoring Coughs Leads to Pneumonia